Does your course need a single Hole Redesign?

Not every one that designs a disc golf course is on the same level.  The above is an example of a basket position that is unfortunate.  This is a hole that needs modification to make it safe!

It is not always safety that causes the need for a hole or two to need a redesign.  Sometimes there are erosion issues that need to be mitigated or routing concerns that can be resolved by changing a hole or two.  Or maybe your hole is “boring” because most players card the same score over and over again making the hole, not a challenge.

Unfortunately, like the picture above safety issues are the #1 reason for a hole to be redesigned.

How do I know that I have a “Problem Hole?”

Here are a few ways to tell that you may have a problem hole.  (This is a short and not comprehensive list.)

Players at your park are often throwing their discs onto someone else’s property or over a fence.

Players are throwing down or over a walking path or another fairway.

Players are throwing often into another fairway, walking path, or road. 

Multiple holes share the same fairways.

More than 75% of all semi-competitive players get the same score on the hole.

Hole 1 isn’t by 18 or hole 9 isn’t by hole 10.

We have seen just about everything and we can help!  

We can help with Hole Redesign!

Check out the video to the right.  You will see three touring pros including a former World Champion throw over and hit cars because of poorly designed holes on courses.  

If these top professionals are throwing into traffic and over fences, imagine how much worse it would be if a casual player would play these courses.  

Don’t let your course or single hole fall victim to inadequate design. Hire a professional designer. 

We have helped many to fix issues like this and change single holes so that an entire course did not need to get redesigned or pulled altogether.

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