Mini Disc Golf Course Design

Have you considered installing a Mini Disc Golf Course?

Mini disc course design can be a rewarding adventure. If you are looking to cater to residents of all ages and don’t have enough space for a par 2 disc golf course, or just want something to add to your amenities for people to play between other activities, then this could be perfect for your site.

An 18 hole mini disc golf course and be installed in as little as an acre. 

Why should I install a Mini Disc Golf Course?

You want to get in on the ground floor before the sport explodes like disc golf or pickleball.

Mini discs courses can be installed on a smaller footprint than disc golf.

There is little to no clearing needed for installing a course. If you can walk the path, the mini can use it as a fairway.

Mini discs don’t have the same potential for injury as regulation golf discs.

Most disc golfers already have mini discs or an abundance of mini discs to use.

Mini baskets are smaller and cost less than regulation baskets.

Mini disc golf courses have a minimal environmental impact.